Sunday, November 9, 2008

Deadlines & Leadership Tip

Dear Georgia Clubwomen,
First of all thank you to all the Districts for your wonderful hospitality shown to me and Shelby during our visits. We had a great time and each of the District Presidents did a great job in conducting the meetings. Each one was unique and this President thoroughly enjoyed her visits during this past month.

I just have a few things to remind you about. Don't forget to make a contribution to "Christmas at Tallulah". We use these funds to purchase the Christmas gift for all the students at TFS. Even though it is too late to get credit on your Goal Sheet, it is not too late to send in your money for this project. I thank each individual and club who has made a contribution for this project. We will be distributing the gifts on December 19th. Also, a very special thank you to all the ladies who knitted scarves as part of this year's Christmas gift. I understand from Kitty Wise that we have enough scarves, but she will still accept any scarves sent - all are welcome.

Remember that club dues are due by December 31st in order for your club to be eligible for judging in February. I hope all the clubs are getting geared up to do reporting. All the reporting forms are now out on the web site for you to download and use. Please let me know if you have any questions or problems.

Also, the GaFWC Georgia Clubwoman Newsletter is out on the website. I hope you will take the time to read and download. All club presidents should have received their copy by now as well as those who had subscribed either via regular mail or by e-mail. Please let either myself or Valorie at the State Office know if you did not receive your copy.

Shari Carter, GaFWC 1st Vice President/President-Elect has submitted the following as a good leadership tip for all clubs. Hope you enjoy:

Building the Leadership of Your Club
As a general rule, officers do not just show up over night.
You must plan for the care and nurturing of potential officers,
in order to guarantee a full and effective board over the years.
Members need to see becoming a leader as a good investment for their time.
The club once again had to struggle to fill the board. Kate, the new President, decided to take on this annual problem as her legacy for her year in office. Kate believed their refusal to serve was due to more than just a lack of time. Kate started to call members who had never served on the board and ask them why they hadn't served.
Over and over the answer was "No time."
Kate refused to accept that as the real reason. She changed her question a bit and made a fe more phone calls. Kate explained that her goal this year was to make being an officer more attractive to more members. She needed their help because she wanted people like them to consider stepping up. Her members were impressed that she wanted their opinion.
"If time wasn't an issue, would you consider serving on our Club's board?" Kate asked her members.
The answers were different this time.
Kate heard things like ...
The board seems to have a lot meetings, but doesn't get much done.
The board members always complain about how long the board meetings run.
The board is always handling a crisis and I don't need more stress.
The board is always hanging out together at meetings and I don't feel like I am included.
My biggest objection to serving is that it doesn't look like its any fun.
These observations were an eye-opener to Kate. Kate knew that to achieve her goal, she must try to listen carefully and hear everything her members shared with her.
Member's perceptions of serving as an officer, did not match the actual experience - Kate had a PR problem!
Kate decided to take her discoveries to her next board meeting. She pared down her agenda and as a team, they will create a strategy for making serving as an officer more attractive to their members. Are you frustrated about the lack of members willing to serve as officers and/or perhaps even the lack of members simply showing up for your meetings? Your officers may be to close to the problem to see the answers to solve your challenge.
Your members have the answers! All you have to do is ask the right questions and listen carefully.

I think the above is great advice. I hope all clubs as you search for new officers or even new members will try to evaluate your club and strategize to get more members involved and to get new members.

Please remember I am always available to answer questions or assist your club in any way. Good luck to all of you as you begin your reporting process.

Federation Love,
Brenda Martin
GaFWC President