Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy New Year Georgia Clubwomen! 2009 is almost here and I am looking forward to an exciting and wonderful year for GaFWC. I hope each of you had a wonderful holiday and are now getting back in gear to get your club reports done. Don't forget all club reports must be postmarked by February 1, 2009. I want to also remind you that club dues are due by December 31, 2008. So if your club hasn't paid your dues, please do so within the next few days.

I wanted to express my sincere graditude to all of you for the support given to the students at Tallulah Falls School for their 2008 Christmas gifts. We handed out all the gifts on Friday, December 19th. The students really liked the new all weather jackets purchased with the funds you donated. The scarfs done by you were also a great hit! The students were thrilled with them and truly appreciated this personal touch. I wish each of you could have been there to see their faces and receive their personal thanks.

Your club will be receiving the call to convention around the latter part of February 2009 so be on the lookout and remember to ask your club President about it. The deadline for registration will be around April 1, 2009. I hope each of you will be making plans to join us in Augusta, GA on April 17 - 19, 2009 at the Augusta Marriott on Riverwalk.

Don't forget the Lodge can still use any table games and DVD's. If you have some spare of any of these, please forward them to The Lodge.

One more reminder - the State Office e-mail address is changing as of February. It will be Please be on the lookout for information regarding this change.

Once again my best wishes for the New Year and please let me know if I can help in any way.

Federation Love,