Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Hello fellow clubwomen. I guess a lot of you are in the middle of club reports and I know all the department chairmen and special project chairmen are looking forward to getting your reports. I just wanted to update you on a few things.

First, don't forget about submitting a Club Scrapbook. If you will check the web site and look under reporting forms you should find a new form to submit your club scrapbook to State Chairman Kathy Hanna. This form was left out of the yearbook and the good news is that the scrapbook does not have to be to the State Chairman until March 1, 2009. So this gives you a chance to do club reports and then get that scrapbook in the mail.

Second, the Call for State Convention 2009 should be in the mail to you the latter part of February. You will have until April 1 to get your registration in and hotel rooms must be reserved by March 26. So please remember to asked Club Presidents to pass along the registration information. I will also try to get this on the website for club members to be able to print out. I am very excited about the Convention. It is going to be a great time to renew friendships and make new ones. So I encourage all club members to please make plans to attend.

Third don't forget to place an order for the "Turn at Tallulah" Cookbook being done by the Junior Converence. You can contact Julie Walters about place your order or an order for your club. Of course, they will have some cookbooks at Convention for sale.

I once again remind each you to please remember you can contact me anytime you have a question or concern. For those of you who may not have heard, Joanne Dixon from the first District had been in the hospital but is now home and we wish her a very speed recover. Also, for those of you who may not have heard, Florene Fowler lost her husband in December. Both of these club members I know would appreciate your cards and thoughts and prayers.

I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Federation Love,
GaFWC President