Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Spring!! I think after the snow a lot of us had a week or so ago Spring may finally be here. At least I hope so. I am looking forward to our 2009 Convention in Augusta, Georgia April 17 - 19, 2009. Hope all of you have received your Convention Call and will be registering by the deadline of April 1st. Don't forget to also register to participate in the "For Her Glory" walk on Saturday afternoon. I am so excited about this event and hopefully the weather will be beautiful and it will be a great time to enjoy the spring and get a little exercise and all for a great cause.

Club Presidents, you will be receiving a letter from me in the coming week that will update you on a few things, but I thought I would go ahead and put that information out for all club members to have. I feel the better we communicate and let everyone know what is happening in your organization the more you feel a part of it and will work to be a part of this great organization. So here are a few updates that everyone needs to know about:

1. For of all you who may not know it, Patty Hosea had to resign as the GaFWC State Treasurer due to personal reasons. We all regret this and wish Patty well and look forward to her continuation with Georgia Federation in other areas. At the February Executive Committee, Amy Atkinson from the 7th District was elected to replace Patty as GaFWC Treasurer for the rest of this administration. So any questions you have in this area should be directed to Amy. Amy will remain as Helping Hands in the Community Program Chairman. Her contact information is:
Amy Atkinson, GaFWC Treasurer
206 Victory Drive, Calhoun, GA 30701
(H) 706-629-3016 ♦

2. It is also with much regret that Betsy Hosea had to resign as International Affair Department Coordinator. As President I have appointed Diane Norris to replace Betsy as International Affairs Department Coordinator. Please mark this change in your yearbook and other records and remember next year to send your International Affairs Reports to Diane Norris. Her contact information is:
Diane Norris, International Affairs Department Coordinator
6209 Spalding Drive, Norcross, GA 30092
(H) 770-242-1008 ♦

3. Jennie June Award Information – Do You Have An Outstanding Club Member? There is nothing greater than to acknowledge the dedication of a special club member who has given hours of volunteer time for her club, community, and the State Federation. Only one nominee from a club is allowed, and this special report is due postmarked on June 15, 2009 and mailed to me, you State President. Rules for this report are on page 217 in your GFWC/Georgia Federation Yearbook. A 500 word narrative on club activities, club leadership, and community activities should be reported. A 5 x 7 photo and newspaper clippings from 2 – 3 articles as well as endorsements will let us help judge this special report. The state winner will be announced at our August Institute. The nominee’s report will then be sent to our Region President where our winner will be honored at our Southern Region meeting in October in Greenville, South Carolina, and then at our International Convention in 2010 in Omaha each Region winner will be announced and honored. Let’s get busy and write those reports as we have so many clubwomen in our state that fit the criteria of this report. Please call Pat Swan or e-mail Pat for answers to your questions. Pat Swan is our State Jennie June Chairman. Her phone number is 770-923-6550 and Pat’s e-mail is

4. It has come to my attention that some clubs may be interested in making contributions to The Lodge at Tallulah. This is certainly a wonderful idea and we can use those funds for some special projects at The Lodge and for future projects. If your club is interested in making a donation to The Lodge, please do so by writing your check to “Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs or GaFWC” and mark on the check or in your letter that the funds are for “The Lodge at Tallulah”. These funds will be put in our special Money Market account to be used strictly for The Lodge. You will receive an acknowledgement of your contribution and it is tax deductible. Should you have any questions on this, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Now I would like to remind everyone about some other changes you need to make sure you have marked in your yearbook or where ever you keep your Federation notes:
* Shelby Holland's new e-mail address:
* Mary Ruth Kimsey is the new Committee Member of the Ella F. White Memorial
Endowment Fund (Remove Elizabeth Chadwick). Term expires 2013
* Suzanne Ratfliff, Community Improvement Contest Chairman, new e-mail address:
* Debbie Thompson, Resolutions Committee Member, new e-mail address:
* Florene Fowler, Scraptoobk Contest Co-Chairman, new e-mail address:
* Jeanette Coody, 2010 Convention Co-Chairman, new e-mail address:
* Genie McCook, 2010 Convention Co-Chairman, new e-mail address:
* Marty Bryan, GFWC Domestic Volence Chairman, phone number should be 770-983-9416

Well, ladies hopefully this gets you up to date. I truly am looking forward to seeing all of you in Augusta in April. Don't forget to register by April 1st.

GaFWC President

Are You Up to Date on GaFWC News???

Happy Spring!! I think after the snow a lot of us had a week or so ahead Spring may finally be here. At least I hope so. I am looking forward to our 2009 Convention in Augusta, Georgia April 17 - 19, 2009. Hope all of you have received your Convention Call and will be registering by the deadline of April 1st. Don't forget to also register to participate in the "For Her Glory" walk on Saturday afternoon. I am so excited about this event and hopefully the weather will be beautiful and it will be a great time to enjoy the spring and get a little exercise and all for a great cause.

Club Presidents, you will be receiving a letter from me in the coming week that will update you on a few things, but I thought I would go ahead and put that information out for all club members to have. I feel the better we communicate and let everyone know what is happening in your organization the more you feel a part of it and will work to be a part of this great organization. So here are a few updates that everyone needs to know about:

1. For of all you who may not know it, Patty Hosea had to resign as the GaFWC State Treasurer due to personal reasons. We all regret this and wish Patty well and look forward to continuation with Georgia Federation in other areas. At the February Executive Committee, Amy Atkinson from the 7th District was elected to replace Patty as GaFWC Treasurer for the rest of this administration. So any questions you have in this area should be directed to Amy. Amy will remain as Helping Hands in the Community Program Chairman. Her contact information is:
Amy Atkinson, GaFWC Treasurer
206 Victory Drive, Calhoun, GA 30701
(H) 706-629-3016 ♦

2. It is also with much regret that Betsy Hosea had to resign as International Affair Department Coordinator. As President I have appointed Diane Norris to replace Betsy as International Affairs Department Coordinator. Please mark this change in your yearbook and other records and remember next year to send your International Affairs Reports to Diane Norris. Her contact information is:
Diane Norris, International Affairs Department Coordinator
6209 Spalding Drive, Norcross, GA 30092
(H) 770-242-1008 ♦

3. Jennie June Award Information – Do You Have An Outstanding Club Member? There is nothing greater than to acknowledge the dedication of a special club member who has given hours of volunteer time for her club, community, and the State Federation. Only one nominee from a club is allowed, and this special report is due postmarked on June 15, 2009 and mailed to me, you State President. Rules for this report are on page 217 in your GFWC/Georgia Federation Yearbook. A 500 word narrative on club activities, club leadership, and community activities should be reported. A 5 x 7 photo and newspaper clippings from 2 – 3 articles as well as endorsements will let us help judge this special report. The state winner will be announced at our August Institute. The nominee’s report will then be sent to our Region President where our winner will be honored at our Southern Region meeting in October in Greenville, South Carolina, and then at our International Convention in 2010 in Omaha each Region winner will be announced and honored. Let’s get busy and write those reports as we have so many clubwomen in our state that fit the criteria of this report. Please call Pat Swan or e-mail Pat for answers to your questions. Pat Swan is our State Jennie June Chairman. Her phone number is 770-923-6550 and Pat’s e-mail is

4. It has come to my attention that some clubs may be interested in making contributions to The Lodge at Tallulah. This is certainly a wonderful idea and we can use those funds for some special projects at The Lodge and for future projects. If your club is interested in making a donation to The Lodge, please do so by writing your check to “Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs or GaFWC” and mark on the check or in your letter that the funds are for “The Lodge at Tallulah”. These funds will be put in our special Money Market account to be used strictly for The Lodge. You will receive an acknowledgement of your contribution and it is tax deductible. Should you have any questions on this, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Now I would like to remind everyone about some other changes you need to make sure you have marked in your yearbook or where ever you keep your Federation notes:
* Shelby Holland's new e-mail address:
* Mary Ruth Kimsey is the new Committee Member of the Ella F. White Memorial
Endowment Fund (Remove Elizabeth Chadwick). Term expires 2013
* Suzanne Ratfliff, Community Improvement Contest Chairman, new e-mail address:
* Debbie Thompson, Resolutions Committee Member, new e-mail address:
* Florene Fowler, Scraptoobk Contest Co-Chairman, new e-mail address:
* Jeanette Coody, 2010 Convention Co-Chairman, new e-mail address:
* Genie McCook, 2010 Convention Co-Chairman, new e-mail address:
* Marty Bryan, GFWC Domestic Volence Chairman, phone number should be 770-983-9416

Well, ladies hopefully this gets you up to date. I truly am looking forward to seeing all of you in Augusta in April. Don't forget to register by April 1st.

GaFWC President