Friday, July 24, 2009


Hello fellow clubwomen, I hope each of you are enjoying your summer. Just a reminder that 2009 Institute is coming up soon. Registration deadline is August 3 and the deadline for making hotel reservations is July 29th. The hotel has extended this deadline.

I am looking forward to everyone attending. Chairmen are working hard to prepare interesting and fun workshops for you. Please fill out your registration form and get it into the State Office. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at Institute.

We will also Registration Forms available for Southern Region Confernece coming up in October in Greenville, S.C. So please make sure you asked Valorie about them so you can get registred for this.

See all of your in Macon - August 22 and 23.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Institute & June Newsletter

Hello Fellow Clubwomen, hopefully you are aware that the June Newsletter is out on the web and has been mailed to the women who asked for a hard copy. I hope you enjoy this issue. It was so great to get all the club articles and pictures. We had a hard time getting it downloaded with all the pictures but I think it was worth it. Don't forget we will be looking for articles for the next issue by September 15th. We will have Institute News and updates for judging.

Also, Club Presidents should be receiving the Call to Institute this week in the mail. I hope to see everyone at this year's Institute. We are going to have some workshops (just not as many as we had in Athens) and clubs will get to go home with copies of reports to use as guidelines for reporting this year. Don't forget the deadline for making reservations at the hotel is July 25th. Institute information should also be up on the website very soon should you need to download the information. The Light of Tallulah Woman's Club will again be collecting school supplies. Information is included in the call.

There were 17 of us from Georgia at the 2009 GFWC International Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Shelby and I were so proud to represent Georgia and we can't wait to tell you all about it at the August Institute.

I would like to call special attention to the Article in the Newsletter on "For Her Glory." It is a unique and easy way to help raise some funds for this Special Project.

I am really enjoying serving as your President and it is hard to believe that there is less than a year left in this administration. I encourage you all to contact me with any questions or concerns that you have.

Hope you are enjoying the summer and will be ready to get back to work in August.

Federation Love,