Sunday, October 12, 2008

Welcome to Brenda's Blog! This is a communication tool I plan to use to keep Georgia Clubwomen informed and updated. Shelby and I are currently visiting all the Districts during the month of October. I just want to remind everyone to please be sure to get a copy of the corrected programs for your yearbook. "Focus on Financial", Citizenship" and "Domestic Violence" are all incorrect in your yearbook. I have been bringing copies with me to the District meetings so please be sure to pick up a copy. If you did not, you may contact the State Office to have a copy sent to you.
Also, I would like to remind all clubs that your dues are due by December 31st. Don't forget to also send in a club roster with your dues.
Anytime you need to get in contact with me please do not hesitate to do so. My phone numbers and e-mail are listed in the yearbook. I look forward to using this Blog to keep you informed.

Federation Love,
Brenda Martin
GaFWC President

Monday, October 6, 2008

First post!

This is the first post on our brand new blog! Keep your eyes open for news and updates to come.