Sunday, October 12, 2008

Welcome to Brenda's Blog! This is a communication tool I plan to use to keep Georgia Clubwomen informed and updated. Shelby and I are currently visiting all the Districts during the month of October. I just want to remind everyone to please be sure to get a copy of the corrected programs for your yearbook. "Focus on Financial", Citizenship" and "Domestic Violence" are all incorrect in your yearbook. I have been bringing copies with me to the District meetings so please be sure to pick up a copy. If you did not, you may contact the State Office to have a copy sent to you.
Also, I would like to remind all clubs that your dues are due by December 31st. Don't forget to also send in a club roster with your dues.
Anytime you need to get in contact with me please do not hesitate to do so. My phone numbers and e-mail are listed in the yearbook. I look forward to using this Blog to keep you informed.

Federation Love,
Brenda Martin
GaFWC President