Sunday, April 26, 2009

Congratulations to our 2008 Award Winners

Well, the 2009 Convention is over and my sincere congratulations to all the clubs and clubwomen who were recognized at this Convention. Even if your club did not get their name called out, you are still a winner in your community for all the projects you completed during this past year!

Those that attended the Convention, I hope you had a great time. It seems from the ones I have heard from that everyone enjoyed the free time and had a great chance to fellowship together. I certainly hope so and that new friends were made as well as old friendships renewed. This is a great organization and I certainly am honored to be serving as your State President during this administration. My most congratulations to the First and Tenth Districts for hosting such a great Convention. Convention Chairmen Linda Ford, Armenda Barnes, Diane Loeble, Julie Lumpkin and Julie Walkters you were awesome! I cannot thank you enough for doing such a great job. To District Presidents Gail Voyle and Tina Daniel-Reasey thank you and all your members for all the hard work I know went into hosting this convention.

We were very honored to have Carlene Garner visit with us during the Convention. Carlene is the GFWC International President-Elect and was our guest speaker on Saturday Night. She gave a wonderful speech on "Your Federation Legacy." She is a delightful person and I hope each of you enjoyed meeting her and getting to know a little more about GWC.

We had three (3) new clubs that GFWC/GaFWC charters were given to also on Saturday Night. What a great treat this was. We have a new Juniorette Club, a Junior Club and a General Club - WOW!! Seeds of new members are definitely being planted in the State of Georgia. We also recognized 33 clubs that had an increase in membership - WOW!! I hope everyone keeps up the hard work.

My most heart felt thanks to all the members in Georgia who contributed to "For Her Glory" during this past year. We were able to present Scott Piotroswki with a check on Sunday morning in the amount of $5,000.00!!! Ladies you are simply AWESOME! "For Her Glory" has a new website - Be sure and visit this site. I cannot also tell you how much I appreciate all the great support you have given to "Digitalizing the Future at TFS" my State Tallulah Falls Project. We still need a lot of money to complete this project so I hope you will continue those TFS projects and we can greatly improve the library at TFS for all of our students.

I will be attending the GFWC International Convention in Cleveland, Ohio on June 11-15th. I certainly hope Shelby and I hear Georgia's name called a lot because the clubs have worked so hard for their communities.

Please mark on your calendar that the 2009 Institute will be August 22 and 23 in Macon, Georgia. We will be meeting at the Ramada Plaza. The Institute Call will be going out the end of June and/or first of July so Club Presidents, Chairmen, etc. please be on the look out for this call. We will be doing workshops this year again but the departmental workshops will be a little different so please make sure you make plans to attend.

Once again welcome to our three new clubs - Juniorette Club of TFS; Lake Lanier Junior Woman's Club and the Peachtree City Civic Network Woman's Club. Congratulations to our 2008 Winners and we look forward to seeing you at Institute.